Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weeks 7, 8, & 9

Sorry I have been so behind on updates!! Our little girl is growing so very fast, it's hard to believe it's already been 2 months!

During week 7, we spent 3 out of 5 days at the doctor. Turned out Lexi had double ear infections. As soon as we got home that day, she started vomiting after every feeding, so we had to go back the next day. She had to get a shot Wednesday and Thursday to help treat the ear infections, since she couldn't keep the other meds down. She also had to be catheterized to check for a possible UTI, which could've been the cause of vomiting. :( Luckily, by Friday we were back to normal, had overcome the stomach bug, and there was no UTI!

During week 9 we went back to the doctor for her 2 month shots and to recheck her ears. Her ears were healthy and she did so good with the shots. At 2 months she weighed 10 pounds, 2 ounces and measured 21.5 inches long.

- Week 7 -
Testing out her play gym - Thanks Great Aunt Marsha!

Someone found that beautiful girl in the mirror!

Displaying Mom's new favorite outfit ~ LOVE IT!!

New PJ's from Aunts Emma & Tasha

Poor sick baby :(

7 Weeks Old
Gosh, she's getting big!

- 8 Weeks -
Momma's got a bow for every outfit!

Waking Daddy up = His favorite

Tummy time on the Boppy!

So stylish!


Daddy's future Rock Band buddy

Funny, wait... not so funny story.
So we initially spent the extra money to upgrade from the "travel" swing (given to us by Great Aunt Marsha - thanks again!) to the full-sized swing. After weeks of trying out the "big" swing, only to end up with a screaming baby every time, we decided to spend the extra bucks and buy another travel swing. Figures she would LOVE the smaller version! We're so glad she will swing, but now we have the "big" swing being unused and just taking up space.
All the "travel" swing needed was her duck. Thanks Momma E and Matty J for Mr. Duck, who we dearly love!

Enjoying some of the warm weather in our new favorite swing!

Making faces at each other - I don't know who has more fun!

Showing off her outfit from Grandmommy & Granddaddy!!

8 Weeks Old!!

- 9 Weeks -
Trying out the Bumbo and loving it! She is trying so hard to hold her head up!

She loves watching and laying on Kirby!


An extra week 9 pic that is just too cute - love that smile!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you found a way for her to like her swing...esp since its the little duck from us:) Matylda loved her little cow...still does!

    Lexi looks so adorable in all her cute clothes and I love the Bumbo pics...she looks less than amused in the last pic:)
