Saturday, July 3, 2010

Weeks 21-25 (JUNE)

June was a busy month full of traveling, new foods, sickies, new toys, and new teeth!!

Starting the summer off right, Lexi took her first major dip in a big pool. She LOVED it! (I've got those pics in another post). During the week, we were able to enjoy a few days of playing in the house and staying in our pj's until 10... oh how few those days actually were!

Rolling is something Lexi has been good at for a while, but now she has picked up speed and can do multiple rolls. With that being said, on my birthday (June 10), Lexi rolled off the bed :( A completely panicked Mommy called the doctor crying and upset, luckily realizing that baby Lexi was completely fine! She stopped crying within 3 minutes, but I couldn't stop watching her for hours afterward, just to make sure she was really ok. (I later realized she fell onto a pile of sweatshirts I was in the process of hanging up - why couldn't I have noticed that at the time?) That same night we went to the hospital to visit our friends, the DaCostas, and meet their new baby girl, Finley Rae. She is adorable! It's funny to watch Lexi with babies smaller than her, because she admires them and may reach out to touch them. Which is the opposite of bigger kids, where she wants to get her hands and mouth all over their faces!

Lexi spent that weekend in Knoxville with Grammy and Court, while I helped my Dad work on a surprise for my Mom and Daddy played at Bonnaroo. After coming back home for a few days, we headed back to Knoxville the next weekend to celebrate Father's Day, which turned out to be too much traveling for Lexi, because we left early Monday morning for St. Louis, MO. While Lexi and I were in Missouri visiting our dear friends, the Schnarrs, Lexi got sick. Lexi did great on the plane Monday, but once we got there she became very irritable, sleepy, and had a constant stream of gunk coming out of her eye. So Tuesday we visited Matylda's pediatrician to discover that Lexi had pink eye :( We flew back in Wednesday night, and after a horrible drive home from the airport, I took Lexi to the doctor Thursday to find out that she had 2 ear infections too! With teething and her fever reaching upwards of 103.5* in the following nights, the Brown household didn't get much sleep.

Sunday, June 27, Lexi's first tooth FINALLY came through! YAY!! She worked for so long on the first one, that the others should come pretty quickly!

We finished up the month with a lunch visit with Aunts Emma & Tasha in Symrna. While it's been great seeing everyone so much this month, I'm ready to take a break from traveling for a bit.

Giving medicine to babies is hard! We usually ended up like this.

At the beginning of June, Daddy set up her Jumperoo.
Somebody forgot to tell her to grow a bit so she could actually enjoy it.

Riding windows or top down is Lexi's favorite way to travel!

At our lunch visit with Emma & Tasha, I learned that cold metal spoons would soon become Lexi's favorite teethers.

Aunt Emma & Lexi

Showing off a new outfit from Grammy

After seeing how much she loved using Matylda's high chair, we decided to give ours a try. She has quickly learned that this chair means business.

My sick, sleeping baby. :(

The girl LOVES bath time! I don't know if it's the water or being naked, but this is her favorite time each day!

I'm not ready for her to be this big yet... luckily, she's not quite there.

Still needing Momma's help :)

No tricks needed here. Spoon near mouth = open! Yum Yum.

A much better idea than bibs:
Feeding Lexi naked so we can just wash her off later.

Showing Grandmommy & Granddaddy how she rolls.

Playing with sweet cousin Elijah.

They were adorable together!

This was the third food we tried, Sweet Potatoes. We like sweet potatoes... and anything orange.

This is the only time Julie has lied calmly near Lexi. Julie is petrified of her. Funny.

The best birthday gift, ever.

You would need to see Matt's baby pictures to understand how identical she is to them.

Happy Baby

Little Miss Brown in her brown.
(Look at those lil' chubby legs! Love them!)

This was the very first food we tried. We like carrots.
I couldn't resist this strawberry hat! She seems to love it too!

June is also the month I learned that Lexi likes to have her eyes covered when she sleeps, usually by her Izzie (blanket square). She clearly finds other ways if she has to.

I just love this picture. No reason. Just do.

Showing off her muscles and skills by pulling the cow's string. She loves these vibrating toys, so we have a cow, duck, and frog that are all the same. However, Lexi must be getting strong because she broke the handle off the duck by pulling it to hard.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE all of the cuteness!!! So happy she is loving her highchair and most of her new food:) My fave pic is the one with the windows down...I love it!!!!
